


I have a passion for helping others and bringing joy through design. Storytelling and empathy are my biggest influences when it comes to creating experiences for other people. I enjoy solving real-world problems through research, design, and storytelling, but also look for ways to incorporate my other interests like music and art into the work I do.

I earned my BFA in Interaction Design in 2018 at California College of the Arts. During my time there, I worked on projects ranging from the future of mobility with Ford Motor Company to a conceptual robotic conductor designed to inspire musicians into more practice time. My summer internship in 2017 was for the redesign of Women Talk Design, aimed at fighting for gender equity at conferences.

During my free time, I enjoy playing piano, crafting jewelry and gifts for friends, baking, and revisiting my old roots in fine arts. I also like going to the gym to improve my abilities in weight lifting. I have a deep passion for learning new skills, such as HTML and CSS where I continue to refine my knowledge.